Pret Met Afrikaans

Reviews of the Pret Met Afrikaans series submitted by South African homeschooling parents.

Pret Met Afrikaans

“This curriculum was written for use in schools, but is easily adapted for home use as well. It is a series of 41 booklets which are intended to span grades 3-7.
It is written for students studying Afrikaans as a second language.
The booklets are black and white, and can be coloured in or decorated.
The curriculum is very affordable, and easy to use.” ~ Brigitte Williams, Cape Town

“We are an English family and purchased the Pret met Afrikaans books for our eldest son, who is 9 years old for his second lanuage. He is thoroughly enjoying them. Fortunately for us, he was in an Afrikaans pre-school and did Grade R in Afrikaans, so he understands the language and learnt his Afrikaans klanke (phonics) in Grade R. He is now in Grade 3, having been homeschooled from Grade 1 and has picked up his Afrikaans beautifully again.
I find the content excellent for a child who has a basic understanding of the language and phonic awareness for the language. I have been able to teach all 4 of my children (ages 4 to 9 years old) the rhymes and poems in the Beginner books.
My other 3 children will, however, need a different approach as they do not speak Afrikaans. So, before I begin using the Pret met Afrikaans material with them, I will need to teach them to speak and understand the language and then teach them the “klanke” (phonics). For this, I will need to source a different programme.
This is a very affordable programme. The only drawback is that, for Moms who need step by step directions for teaching Afrikaans, this may be a stretch as one only receives the workbooks for the children.
I trust that this will be of help to parents who are looking for an Afrikaans programme.” ~Julaine Marais

“This is a Grade 3-7 curriculum for second language Afrikaans learners available to purchase on the internet.
We had tried several curriculums for Afrikaans but nothing was suitable until we found Pret met Afrikaans.
This curriculum is simple to use and it teaches the language to those who know nothing about it. It includes reading, listening, grammar, vocabulary and fun activities and is flooded with pictures.
It’s much better than following a dry grammar programme with boring sentences to write out. I just supplement it with a CD-Rom that teaches how to speak the language.
It’s also very affordable. It may not be comprehensive but it adds a good structure to Afrikaans learning.” ~ Kathleen, Newcastle, South Africa

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